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San Francisco

This tag is associated with 9 posts

San Francisco Moves To Ban Public Nudity

via Lisa Leff, Christian Science Monitor San Francisco lawmakers disappointed committed nudists last week by narrowly approving a ban on public nakedness despite concerns the measure would undermine the city’s reputation as a sanctuary for free expression. The Board of Supervisors voted 6-5 in favor of a public safety ordinance that prohibits exposed genitals in … Continue reading

Activists Look Beyond Marriage Equality To Bigger Picture

via Shay O’Reilly, Campus Progress “Community, NOT commodity!” chanted an “OccuPride” contingent that interrupted—then joined—San Francisco’s Pride march this summer. Along with similar groups in Chicago and New York, the San Francisco group carried signs denouncing corporate sponsorship of Pride parades and events. Even as parade marshals shooed them away from the float of Pride … Continue reading

Walmart’s First-Ever Retail Worker Strike Spreads To 12 Cities In 8 States

via Alice Hines, The Huffington Post The first retail worker strike against Walmart has spread from Los Angeles, where it began last week, to stores in a dozen cities, a union official said Tuesday. Walmart workers walked off the job in Dallas, Seattle, the San Francisco Bay area, Miami, the Washington, D.C., area, Los Angeles, … Continue reading

Russian Research Project Aims For ‘Immortality,’ Seeks To Transplant Human Brains Into Robots

via Rob Waugh, Mail Online A Russian entrepreneur who heads a hi-tech research project called ‘Avatar’ has contacted billionaires to offer them immortality. Itskov claims he will personally oversee their immortality process, in exchange for an undisclosed fee. Itskov, a media entrepreneur, claims to have hired 30 scientists to reach this goal – and aims … Continue reading

Rhode Island Passes ‘Homeless Bill Of Rights’

via Jason McLure, The Huffington Post Rhode Island’s governor is expected to sign into law the first “Homeless Bill of Rights” in the United States as early as next week, formally banning discrimination against homeless people and affirming their equal access to jobs, housing and services. The legislation, which won final approval by the state … Continue reading

SceneTap App Scans Faces Of Bar-Goers To Guess Age, Gender

via Marcus Wohlsen, The Huffington Post A watchful eye has arrived on San Francisco’s bar scene, but not to keep you in check. It just wants to check you out. A new app launched this weekend that will scan the faces of patrons in 25 bars across the city to determine their ages and genders. … Continue reading

Denying Same-Sex Insurance Benefits Discriminates, Federal Judge Rules

via AP, The Huffington Post A federal judge in San Francisco says the denial of insurance benefits to same-sex spouses is discriminatory. The ruling Tuesday involves 38-year-old federal court law clerk Christopher Nathan and 39-year-old Thomas Alexander, who were married in 2008 when same-sex marriages were legal in California. Voters later approved Proposition 8, overturning … Continue reading

Occupy Geriatrics: Seniors In Walkers Shut Down Local Bank Of America

via Erin Sherbert, The Snitch What some healthy and spry Occupy Movements across the nation couldn’t quite accomplish, San Francisco geriatrics have! KCBS reports that a small group of senior citizens between the ages of 69 and 82 successfully shut down a Bank of America in Bernal Heights on Thursday with nothing more than walkers … Continue reading

Wall Street Protest Spurs Online Dialogue On Inequity

via Jennifer Preston, The New York Times What began as a small group of protesters expressing their grievances about economic inequities last month from a park in New York City has evolved into an online conversation that is spreading across the country on social media platforms. Inspired by the populist message of the group known … Continue reading


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